The primary goal of food is to promote our health and general well-being. Food science entails comprehending the characteristics, composition, and behaviors of food constituents in different situations, such as storage, handling, and consumption.
June 7, 2007
Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in food. Sodium is required by the human, as it part of all of the extra cellular fluid of the body: including regulating blood pressure; transmitting nerve impulses; and helping muscles, including heart muscle.
It is also necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby supporting digesting function.
About 50 percent of the body’s sodium is in fluids and the remaining is found within the bones.
Since table salt is used by essentially all people, there is little likelihood for deficiencies except in the disease involving prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.
Table salt is actually the common name for sodium chloride. It’s 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride.
Sodium also appears in food as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and sodium benzoate (a preservative).
The consumption of salt and other sodium sources should be limited. Sodium has been shown to lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and it is recommended to keep daily consumption level between 110 and 3300 mg.
The average in the typical American diet is closer to 6000 mg. The majority of sodium in the United States diet is from sodium added during food processing and by restaurant and other food service such as cafeterias and catering services.
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