Psyllium is a harvested grain. It comes from plants of the Plantago genus. Psyllium derives its name from the Greek psylla meaning ‘a flea’.
The psyllium husks are a lubricating, mucilaginous, fibrous herb with drawing, cleansing, and laxatives properties. The psyllium husks act as a ‘colon broom’ for those suffering with chronic constipation.
Some recommend the use of bulk laxative psyllium mainly for people over 50 who are sedentary and need something to stimulate the normal peristaltic action of the bowel.
Psyllium has a unique action in the bowels as it can act as a demulcent or emollient, it can be used to either stop diarrhea or to do away with constipation.
Psyllium has received attention over the years as a soluble fiber that can reduce cholesterol levels. A number of animal studies have demonstrated that rats fed controlled diets supplemented with psyllium fiber experience a significant decrease in serum cholesterol levels.
Psyllium has been as an ice-cream stabilizer. It also has been used in beverages, cereals and candy.
Traditionally it use involve spreading psyllium on bread, mixing it with honey, marmalade or stewed fruits, using it in soup, or mixing it with wheat flour as a thickener.
Psyllium also traditionally been used as an ingredient in the making of chocolates and in jellies.
The use of psyllium
The primary goal of food is to promote our health and general well-being. Food science entails comprehending the characteristics, composition, and behaviors of food constituents in different situations, such as storage, handling, and consumption.
January 2, 2014
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