Scientific name for asafoetida: Ferula asafoetida. Made from the resinous sap of a large fennel-like that grows in Iran, Afghanistan and the northern Indian state of Kashmir, asafoetida is sold in either powder form or as a resin that is ground as required.
Asafoetida, which is blackish in color, is available at India and Middle Eastern groceries.
It has a characteristic pungent, sulphuric smell and appealing taste when raw and is used as a favor enhancer, predominant to counterbalance acidity in Indian cooking. It is popular used in India for many centuries, especially as a flavoring agent, as an ingredient in condiments and in many spice mixture.
Asafoetida has several varieties which are distributed from the Mediterranean region to Central Asia.
Asafoetida has been known since 4 BC, when it appeared in ancient Roman cooking, and was an essential component of Persian food. Later it was introduced to India in the Mughal Empire.
Asafoetida is also use to counter flatulence and for respiratory problems.
An analysis of asafoetida shows it to consist of moisture 16.0% , protein 4.0 %, fat 1.1 %, mineral 7 %, fiber 4.1 % and carbohydrate 67.8% per 100 grams.
The primary goal of food is to promote our health and general well-being. Food science entails comprehending the characteristics, composition, and behaviors of food constituents in different situations, such as storage, handling, and consumption.
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