September 29, 2014

High amylose corn starch

High-amylose corn is produced by contractual arrangements between the producer and either the wet miller or exporter of specialty corn grain.

Area planted to high amylose corn is very limited relative to normal diet corn production.

Starch molecules are polysaccharides. They are complex carbohydrate molecules made of many sugar units bonded one to the next.

Straight chain starch molecules are called amylose, while the much larger, branched starch molecules are called amylopectin.

High amylose corn has an amylose content of from 50% to70% or higher and is a relatively newcomer to the field of food starches.

High amylose corn starch is resistant to swelling and cannot be cooked affectively in typical open-kettle processing.

It is composed of a much higher ratio of linear amylose to branched amylopectin. High amylose cornstarch has been commercially produced, where naturally occurring mutants of maize are cultivated.

The increase in amylose content makes high amylose corn starch gel rapidly and form high strength gels. 

These properties are useful in the confectionary industry where candy pieces required a stabilizer to supply individual piece shape and integrity.

High amylose starch is unique in its film forming, gelling properties and resistant against digestion in the human gastrointestinal tract. This ‘resistant’ has nutritional benefits as dietary fibers.
High amylose corn starch

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