December 10, 2014

Food tasting

Food is made to be eaten, so tasting is essential of the person are to judge the success of a food product. Taste is detected by the taste buds in the mouth. Different areas of tongue can detect the four basic tastes: sweet, sour bitter and saltiness.

Impaired olfactory receptor cells or blocked nasal passages can cause us to lose ability to distinguish tastes. Food must be moist for taste to occur.

Although all taste receptor cells appear structurally the same, they connect to one of two different nerves associated with tongue.

Tasting food for product development is known as sensory analysis. Sensory analysis is used throughout food product development to make judgments about the quality of food.

The food industry trains people to work on tasting panels. If people are unwell or have a cold, they cannot take part in tasting panels as their sense are not working fully and they may not be able to distinguish between different tastes.

Several factors to be judge when tasting food:
*Appearance and color
*Taste and flavor
*Mouthfeel/texture., consistency
*Smell or odor
Food tasting

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