January 6, 2015

Color affecting on flavor

Color is the perception in the brain that results from the detection of light after it has interacted with an object. Color plays a central role in the evaluation of food. It not only influences the senses of taste and smell, but also they acceptability of a food product.

Intensity of color affects flavor perception. Color can have a halo effect that modifies subsequent flavor perceptions.

A stronger color may cause perception of a stronger flavoring in a product, even if the stronger color is simply due to the addition of more food coloring.

Color-flavor association can modulate flavor discrimination abilities even in the case of familiar food products such as sugar-coated chocolates.

In fruit-flavored yoghurts it has been found that, even with the same content for each fruit flavor (such as strawberry, orange and fruit of the forest) and sugar, the greater the concentration of colorant the greater the perceived flavor intensity.

In market research studies it has been determined that 60 percent of acceptance or rejection of a product is based on its color. That decision is also made very quickly. Within 90 seconds, a person will make a choice to accept or reject a purchase.
Color affecting on flavor

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