August 6, 2015

Glucose tolerance factor

Glucose tolerance factor (GTF) is an essential dietary component that potentiates the action of insulin and thereby functions in regulating protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

It is complex hormone-like containing trivalent chromium, nicotinic acid (niacin) and amino acids (cysteine, cystine, glycine, glutamic acid).

Chromium is an essential nutrient for humans because it is part of the glucose tolerance factor, which is termed the biologically active chromium. The GTF potentiates the effect of insulin and has a positive effect on Diabetes mellitus type II. ‘Glucose tolerance’ refers to the ability of glucose to be taken up by cells. With impaired glucose tolerance, cellular uptake of glucose is subnormal and blood glucose levels are elevated (hyperglycemia), as in the disease diabetes.

Glucose tolerance factor is release into the blood – from perhaps liver, kidney or other tissues which store chromium – wherever there is marked increase in the blood livers of sugar (glucose) and/or insulin. Together with GTF, insulin promotes the cellular uptake of glucose and of amino acids and the increased synthesis of fat and protein, GTF factor apparently enhances the effects of insulin; it is inactive unless insulin is present.

The most abundant and naturally occurring form of GTF is found in Brewer’s yeast.
Glucose tolerance factor

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