September 14, 2015


Milk is the only source of lactose, a disaccharide. Lactose is hydrolyzed to its monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, by a specific enzyme, lactase, which is β-galactosidase and located in the brush border of small-intestinal microvillus epithelial cells.

Hypolactasia is defined as lactase deficiency inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Lactose intolerance is defined as symptomatic hypolactasia.

There are five causes of hypolactasia
*Congenital loss and it is very rare
*Inherited loss on weaning (very common)
*Gut infections such as rotavirus and Giardia
*Damage to the villi in the small intestine caused by radiotherapy or bacterial overgrowth
*Hormonal disturbances, menopause and aging

The symptoms are the result of lactose absorbing water in the intestine through osmotic mechanism, which speeds intestinal transport. Lactose is then metabolized by colonic bacteria producing lactic acid, hydrogen and CO2.

Among hypolactasia symptoms:
*Flatulence and meteorism
*Ill-defined abdominal pain

The symptoms start 1-2 hours after a lactose-containing meal and its depend on the amount of ingested lactose.

In children hypolactasia rarely develops before the age of 5 years. School-aged children often have milk-induced complaints associated with hypolactasia.

Hypolactasia occurs in 17% of Northern European inhabitants. It is more common in the Mediterranean are and much more common in many tropical countries.

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