November 6, 2015

What are the appearances when the food spoils?

During storage and distribution, foods are exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions. Food spoilage occurs when products develop undesirable odors, flavors and appearances due to microbial growth.

Quite often, the evidence of microbial growth is easily visible as in the case of slime formation, cotton-like network of mold growth, iridescence greening in cold cuts and in cooked sausage, and even discrete large colonies of bacteria. Food spoilage also produces undesirable aromas and color defects.  

In liquid such as juice, microbial spoilage is often manifest by the development a cloudy appearance or curd formation.

Spoiled food, such as moldy bread, soured milk or bad fish may not cause any harm or illness if consumed.

On the other hand, if food is contaminated with pathogenic bacteria then a potentially dangerous food poisoning may occur.
What are the appearances when the food spoils?

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